Astaldi wins two new contracts


Astaldi Group has been awarded two new construction contracts worth a combined total of €193million (US$231 million) for projects in Chile and Mexico.

The new construction contracts relate to two projects, the first of which is an Intermodal Hub at Mexico City’s new International Airport. The engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract is worth US$350 million, of which €120 million (US$143 million) refers to Astaldi Group’s stake.

The second project is in Chile – the Recursos Norte Mining Project – and the construction contract is worth €73 million (US$87 million). The works are part of the project for the underground development of the El Teniente copper mine. The work is expected to be completed by 2022.

By |2018-06-13T11:55:00+02:00Maggio 15th, 2018|Senza categoria|
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