Enel building Colombia’s largest solar project, completes 238MW Mexican plant


Subsidiaries of Italian power giant Enel have started building Colombia’s largest solar project and completed a 238MW plant in Mexico.

Enel Green Power Colombia (EGPC) is building the 86.2MW El Paso solar power plant, located in the Cesar department in the north of Colombia, the largest project under construction in the country.

Enel will be investing approximately US$70 million in the construction, which is expected to start operation in the second half of 2018.

Meanwhile, Enel Green Power Mexico (EGPM) has inaugurated the 238MW Don José project located in San Luis de la Paz, in the Mexican state of Guanajuato.

The investment for the construction of Don José, which achieved full production over five months ahead of schedule, amounted to approximately US$220 million. EGPM has also recently signed an agreement with Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) to expand the plant’s capacity by 10%. The expansion, which will add 22MW to Don José, will be completed in the second half of 2018 and will involve an investment of around US$21 million.


By |2018-06-13T12:02:40+02:00Maggio 25th, 2018|Senza categoria|
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