Marubeni has won an EPC contract for the construction of the 70 MW Olkaria I Unit 6 geothermal project by KenGen at the geothermal field of Olkaria in Kenya


Marubeni Corporation has been awarded a full turn-key engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract from Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KenGen) in relation to the construction of a 70MW geothermal power plant in the Olkaria area of Nakuru County in the Republic of Kenya. This will be Marubeni’s and Fuji Electric’s first geothermal power plant project in Africa. The main componentswill be provided by Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Japan. This Project will be financed by an ODA loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and also by loans from European Investment Bank.

By |2018-10-04T11:45:54+02:00Agosto 31st, 2018|Senza categoria|
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