

Do You Have A Training Project We Can Help With?



People are the main heart and engine of any company.
Training, competence building and development of human capital are key to the successful growth of your business.
ETS aims at becoming a proactive partner in understanding the needs of the client in terms of training plans and competence building to develop and implement together the best programs.

ETS has the know-how to select the best training partners, and support the client in the development of training tools, including tools based on Virtual Reality or Augmented reality for O&M competences.

We design ad hoc training to enhance the performance of the Project, in line with what are our client’s challenges, the project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and the main risks.

Our training is mainly targeted to get the Project Team to work effectively together, and achieve high performance, delivering a successful project.
We do specialize in multicultural teams and offer our training modules in the office or in the field, with multi-language instructors, on worldwide basis.

We can plan Project Training at project start-up and offer a Project Coach for the duration of the project.

Training Areas

Main Areas covered by ETS training offering:

• Main Areas covered by ETS training offering:
• Energy, Power and Oil & Gas Technical
• Plant Operation & Maintenance, Efficiency
• HSE and Quality
• Emergency Response
• Environmental, Waste Management, Spill Response
• Management – Economics – Finance
• HR – Soft Skills
• Information Technology

Training Tools

Tools used by ETS in transferring knowledge:

• Classroom training
• Workshops
• Training on the Job
• Development of tools in Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality
• Development of tools to interface with your HR systems to track competences

Program Development

Every ETS training project is based upon the following steps:

Step 1. Understanding of the needs and goals;

Step 2. Evaluation of the participants competences;

Step 3. Definition of the initial level, matching between each participant and the best class for his/her profile in order to set up homogeneous classes;

Step 4. Detailed project of the training course throughout each of its modules, by using an integrated approach for the assessment of the on-going achieved

Step 5. Supply of every single training module either at one of ETS locations or on a site indicated by the customer;

Step 6. Assessment of the achieved competences at the completion of the training modules starting of the on-the-job training paths and/or the follow-up training days (if applicable);

Step 7. Presentation to the customer of the achieved results.

Main Clients

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